Oct 29, 2009


You wait all this time to get engaged. You fret about it, worry about it, stress over it. And then when it happens it's a complete whirlwind blur. And everyday after you find yourself looking at this ring on your finger and wondering over the fact that you are now engaged. That it did indeed happen. At least, that is what happens to me. I'm kind of in awe. It feels like this momentous event came and went and all that's leftover is this ring on my finger. I suppose that is what our wedding day will be like as well. Lots of planning and craziness, all over in the blink of an eye. I guess at least when you are pregnant, and you finally go through the birth part, in the end you have something you can visibly watch grow and change.

Sep 8, 2009

Checks and Balances

I've decided that creating budgets is fun. Figuring out the formulas, adding things up. It's the implementing them and making them stick that sucks. Wish me luck.

Sep 6, 2009

Living in My Head

It's Sunday morning and all I can think about is that I'm happy tomorrow is Labor Day and I have it off. I always seem to need a weekend from my weekends. So three day weekends are definitely a gift that I treasure. In light of that I'm also happy to have no plans made. Which means possible home time with my honey or quality time with the sis. Or inevitably, tennis, the beach, and a movie. As our summer is drawing to a close, I feel like it's truly just getting started.
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