Our cat Norman is a bit of a jerk. He acts like the poster child for why people don't like cats. He's exceptionally aloof, he only wants to be pet on his own time. He only truly loves you when he's hungry or he needs his litter box changed. He escapes every chance he gets and comes home whenever he feels like it. Which includes crying outside my bedroom window until 3am because he wants to come back in. He also likes to taunt us by sitting outside the window after he escapes but then runs away if we try to go anywhere near him. He also has a tendency to pee and crap on the couch when he is unhappy. But, our other cats love him so we love him as well.
Oct 23, 2012
Welcome to the Neighborhood!
While Mr Mine and I were making breakfast we happened to look out our front window to find we have a new face in the neighborhood. Meet Paul, the baby possum. He's probably no larger than your average size rat, but oh so adorable! Our cat Norman decided to help us out with our scale system by escaping and sitting in the same place as Paul so that you can see how tiny this guy really is. The cats didn't seem to think that Paul was all that interesting and for the most part ignored him. I of course was absolutely thrilled and couldn't stop myself from take a bazillion pictures of him. I can only imagine what it will be like when we have a child.

Oct 7, 2012
Another Marathon
I have been sucked in by The New Girl, and I LIKE IT. I love when I find a new show. It fulfills my need for marathons. Mindless hours of entertainment induced emotions. Laughter, tears, anger, and none of it weighs heavily on your shoulders because it's not your drama. Ok, that may seem weird but it's similar to getting lost in a good book.
I've been watching the episodes back to back on Project Free TV. Which Ms Bliss introduced me to about a year or so ago. It's great for watching shows and movies. I knew I had found something special when after the Pilot episode I had a huge smile on my face and couldn't wait to watch the next one. I was a little disappointed with the absence of "Coach" but over the next few epsiodes I got over the loss. I'm not sure what makes me love this show. I think it's the feel good nature, be true to yourself message on top of it's great to watch people who are good friends interact. Or at least it makes you want that kind of interaction in your life. I think that most of us crave that kind of comraderie with people. Knowing there are people in your life that "have your back" for better or for worse.
I think one of my weaknesses has gotten worse recently. If I start a book, I have to finish it before I go to sleep. Even if it keeps me up until 5am the next morning. And with TV Shows I can't just watch one episode. If it's available I have to watch the entire season, and I will admit I watched the entire first season today. Stop me, it's madness I tell you!
I think one of my weaknesses has gotten worse recently. If I start a book, I have to finish it before I go to sleep. Even if it keeps me up until 5am the next morning. And with TV Shows I can't just watch one episode. If it's available I have to watch the entire season, and I will admit I watched the entire first season today. Stop me, it's madness I tell you!
Oct 6, 2012
It Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Thursday, Oct 4, 2012
Fantasy Football, it makes the heart grow fonder. Mr Mine joined his first NFL Fantasy League at work this year. So to curb my jealousy at not being invited to join a league with him I decided to join my own league. It's been a little bit of a learning curve but I've been enjoying it. We've watched all of the games together this season so far so it's been some additional bonding time. Talking about players potential, who we have, who we wished we had. Where we are in our leagues, who we're playing against.
Now I was a fan before this, but I wasn't an avid watcher. I was more of a love my Steelers from afar kind of girl. I have my Terrible Towel, my Hines Ward jersey, and if I ever managed to catch a game I always cheered for them. I used to text my girls in Pittsburgh and OH/NC all the time during games. We'd moan about bad calls, cheer for the great plays, and groan over fumbles or turnovers. The texts for the most part have stopped. My gals now have babies, and one of them has brand new twins. So you can imagine that their plates are pretty full. I miss the days of Hines, Bettis, Parker, even Randle El. I don't know a lot about the new Steelers, but it's been an interesting season so far.
It took me a few weeks, but I moved from 9th out of 10 to 3rd out of 10. Wish me luck this week it's projected that I am going to get my butt kicked. I'm hoping that I still come out on top! I'm the only girl in my league and I plan on representing well :)
Fantasy Football, it makes the heart grow fonder. Mr Mine joined his first NFL Fantasy League at work this year. So to curb my jealousy at not being invited to join a league with him I decided to join my own league. It's been a little bit of a learning curve but I've been enjoying it. We've watched all of the games together this season so far so it's been some additional bonding time. Talking about players potential, who we have, who we wished we had. Where we are in our leagues, who we're playing against.
Now I was a fan before this, but I wasn't an avid watcher. I was more of a love my Steelers from afar kind of girl. I have my Terrible Towel, my Hines Ward jersey, and if I ever managed to catch a game I always cheered for them. I used to text my girls in Pittsburgh and OH/NC all the time during games. We'd moan about bad calls, cheer for the great plays, and groan over fumbles or turnovers. The texts for the most part have stopped. My gals now have babies, and one of them has brand new twins. So you can imagine that their plates are pretty full. I miss the days of Hines, Bettis, Parker, even Randle El. I don't know a lot about the new Steelers, but it's been an interesting season so far.
It took me a few weeks, but I moved from 9th out of 10 to 3rd out of 10. Wish me luck this week it's projected that I am going to get my butt kicked. I'm hoping that I still come out on top! I'm the only girl in my league and I plan on representing well :)
Please Sir May I Have Another
Wednesday, Oct 3, 2012
I swear the universe is laughing at me. After leaving Mrs Bokeh and her niece at their front door I headed up to the nearest mall to continue my search for pants. I started off by grabbing a quick slice at Sbarros and then headed to the nearest clothing store.
Four hours and several near misses later I found myself in the absolute last clothing store into the mall, Macy's, hurriedly flinging clothes on and off as the announcement was made for the third time that store was not only closing, but was now in fact closed. Stepping in and out of the last two pairs of pants I felt my foot come down a little awkwardly and a twinge in my ankle. Fast forward to me, finally home, lying in bed, and I look down, my right ankle has swollen to the size of a grapefruit! What the hell?????
Honestly first the back and now I somehow screw up my ankle while shopping?! I'm hoping its nothing major and plan on spending all day in bed tomorrow. I don't think backbrace + crutches = good time. I'm hoping I just mildly sprained it somehow. Sigh, never a dull moment.
I swear the universe is laughing at me. After leaving Mrs Bokeh and her niece at their front door I headed up to the nearest mall to continue my search for pants. I started off by grabbing a quick slice at Sbarros and then headed to the nearest clothing store.
Four hours and several near misses later I found myself in the absolute last clothing store into the mall, Macy's, hurriedly flinging clothes on and off as the announcement was made for the third time that store was not only closing, but was now in fact closed. Stepping in and out of the last two pairs of pants I felt my foot come down a little awkwardly and a twinge in my ankle. Fast forward to me, finally home, lying in bed, and I look down, my right ankle has swollen to the size of a grapefruit! What the hell?????
Honestly first the back and now I somehow screw up my ankle while shopping?! I'm hoping its nothing major and plan on spending all day in bed tomorrow. I don't think backbrace + crutches = good time. I'm hoping I just mildly sprained it somehow. Sigh, never a dull moment.
Reception Deception
Tuesday, Oct 2, 2012
Going shopping while waiting to pick your sister up from the airport is a great idea. Until you realize that you don't get reception in the dressing rooms and that she has been calling for the last 40 minutes because her plane got in 40 minutes early! I only realized that she was calling when I came out of the dressing rooms and got a call from Mr Mine asking me if I had gotten any of her messages. Which of course I hadn't, not a single peep from my phone. Poor Ms Bliss was stuck at the airport for an additional hour. Fortunately for me she forgave me considering I STILL haven't received any msgs on my phone from her and it's been over 12 hours!
Going shopping while waiting to pick your sister up from the airport is a great idea. Until you realize that you don't get reception in the dressing rooms and that she has been calling for the last 40 minutes because her plane got in 40 minutes early! I only realized that she was calling when I came out of the dressing rooms and got a call from Mr Mine asking me if I had gotten any of her messages. Which of course I hadn't, not a single peep from my phone. Poor Ms Bliss was stuck at the airport for an additional hour. Fortunately for me she forgave me considering I STILL haven't received any msgs on my phone from her and it's been over 12 hours!
Honey Walks
Monday, Oct 1, 2012
Yay for evening walks with the Honey. I love that Mr Mine is home again. Although it has taken some getting used to for both of us. We got in a 3.1 mile walk tonight after dinner. Which is alot for us these days! I managed to get in a total of 8,202 steps today which is a record since I have been injured. I've been trying to strive for 5,000 steps for the past month but I only reached that goal six times in 30 days. Most days I got in only 2,500. So it was a good way to start off the month of October. I'm going to try to hit at least my 5,000 step goal every day this month. Which will be nice if it means that every night I get to walk with Mr Mine. I use a pedometer app called Accupedo Pro on my phone which counts my steps and then I also use the Runtastic app to double check how far I have gone. And then because I am a little crazy I triple check it by using the Gmap-Pedometer.
Yay for evening walks with the Honey. I love that Mr Mine is home again. Although it has taken some getting used to for both of us. We got in a 3.1 mile walk tonight after dinner. Which is alot for us these days! I managed to get in a total of 8,202 steps today which is a record since I have been injured. I've been trying to strive for 5,000 steps for the past month but I only reached that goal six times in 30 days. Most days I got in only 2,500. So it was a good way to start off the month of October. I'm going to try to hit at least my 5,000 step goal every day this month. Which will be nice if it means that every night I get to walk with Mr Mine. I use a pedometer app called Accupedo Pro on my phone which counts my steps and then I also use the Runtastic app to double check how far I have gone. And then because I am a little crazy I triple check it by using the Gmap-Pedometer.
ever after,
healthy living,
the injured list,
weight loss
Oct 4, 2012
Ms Bliss Residency Graduation
Friday, August 3, 2012
So unbelievably proud of my sis, Ms Bliss. Today she graduated from the Nurse Residency program at CHLA (Children's Hospital of Los Angeles). I know what an extreme struggle it was for her to get through the program. It's a tough program with a very steep learning curve and apparently it's also the place where residency programs were born.
I teared up several times during the proceedings. Once when they had a bunch of their patients come in and sing a song to the grads and once while the Head Nurse was giving an interview about why she's glad she became a nurse instead of a doctor. I'm paraphrasing here but it went something like "I get to be there for all of the moments, the happy, and the sad. When the doctors go home for the day I am the one who pays my last respects to the patients.."
It's an amazing achievement and I know she is experiencing a great opportunity. For now she will be staying at CHLA and I expect that she will learn a lot more in the coming two years. Congrats Sissy!!! All that hard work paid off!

So unbelievably proud of my sis, Ms Bliss. Today she graduated from the Nurse Residency program at CHLA (Children's Hospital of Los Angeles). I know what an extreme struggle it was for her to get through the program. It's a tough program with a very steep learning curve and apparently it's also the place where residency programs were born.
I teared up several times during the proceedings. Once when they had a bunch of their patients come in and sing a song to the grads and once while the Head Nurse was giving an interview about why she's glad she became a nurse instead of a doctor. I'm paraphrasing here but it went something like "I get to be there for all of the moments, the happy, and the sad. When the doctors go home for the day I am the one who pays my last respects to the patients.."
It's an amazing achievement and I know she is experiencing a great opportunity. For now she will be staying at CHLA and I expect that she will learn a lot more in the coming two years. Congrats Sissy!!! All that hard work paid off!
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