I truly had forgotten just how much you have to keep track of while playing music, especially a stringed instrument. There are the normal things that I remembered, such as the placing of my fingers and how to use the bow(rusty but still working skills) and then there were the other things. Such as counting the timing in the song while reading each note and paying attention to whether there was an extra flat
♭ or sharp
♯ just waiting around to trip you up.
Today for my second lesson we moved on from Twinkle Twinkle Little Star into something slightly more complicated Bach's Minuet 1, and finally onto the classical piece that I had brought with me to work towards Bach's Concerto for Two Violins: 1st Movement.
Just to give you an idea of what madness I am working towards:
Attempting to do all of the above creates quite a lot of confusion in my brain these days. I marvel at how when I was in high school doing all of that seemed like a piece of cake. Now it just feels like someone is playing percussion with my brain. Due to all this pounding in my head today I sounded a bit like a stampeding elephant. Hopefully after another week of practicing I will be a bit more graceful with my playing.
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