One of the big things that
Lean for Life taught me was the power of mind over matter. A huge part of your success when you are making life changes is your mental state. So in light of this they place a big emphasis on daily positive affirmations.
Here are just a few examples:
1. I can do this.
2. Never give up.
3.You never lose until you stop trying.
4. Never let yesterday use up too much of today - One of my personal favorites
5. Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm
6. You must do the things that you cannot
7. It's never too late to be who you might have been
8. The will to conquer is the first condition of victory
9. I respect my own uniqueness
10. I am a creative and talented human being - I like to change this one to I am a creative, talented, fabulous human being.
11. I am unlimited.
12. Success is living the life you want.
13. I am the master of my destiny.
14. Don't wait, the time will never be just right.
15. I deserve to be happy.
Since reading about these I've been applying them to many places in my life. When I am at the gym, when I am at the dentist, or anytime I just feel "not ok". I have found that just repeating to myself that "I am ok" can calm me down almost immediately. I am constantly amazed how much power my mind has over my body. I mean, I understand the fundamentals that the brain sends signals through nerves and all that. But I just never really utilized the simple power of thought.
So the next time someone tells you to "Think Positive". Give it a try, you never know what the outcome will be!