Monday, July 23
know that you are in good company when just chatting away makes a 13 hr trip
seem like a 3-4 hour trip. Even with our numerous pit stops for drinks,
libations, and gas. After waking up at 4am and doing the shortest 13 hr drive ever, we arrived, and it was only roughly 4pm. There were still many hours
before we would be able to retire at a reasonable hour. So we ordered pizza and
curled up on our respective couches with books to do some well earned
reading. Having brought only What
to Expect Before You’re Expecting and The Devil in the White City with me Ms
Ianthine was more than happy to suggest several of the books in her enormous
Delighted to have new reading material, I settled on a quirky romance novel which involved women jousting and
men in tights. It was extremely nice to just spend some companionable time inhaling nonsensical hilarity and just allowing ourselves to breathe after the long day cooped in the car. I love that we share the joy of reading and that we were both perfectly happy to just be in the same room no entertainment necessary.
Yea books and reading and relaxing!