Jan 9, 2013

New Year's Party Prep

Ok, I will admit it. I am a person who is very set on having her own way. Especially when it comes to event decorations. I like to have a color scheme and I like to stick with it. So when Mr Mine and I decided last minute to have a New Year's Eve party I  had our scheme picked out the second I walked into Party City.

Color Scheme: Robin's Egg Blue, White, and Silver
I bought a gazillion balloons in those colors and decorations galore. I wanted to make this party extra special since it was our first ever New Years party. Even though I knew that it was only going to be a small group of us I wanted the "Wow" factor. We started our day by heading to target to pick up a new chair and a new lamp. I picked up this side chair 3 years ago with the intention of refinishing it to match the apartment. I sanded, attempted stripping, and even bought the fabric to re-upholster it. But it just has not gotten done and I finally got fed up and decided to put it aside. I will finish it one day but I knew it just wasn't going to happen in time for New Year's and it was a complete eyesore in our living room in the meantime. So when I saw this simple brown chair at Target over the weekend I decided it was our best option.

Once in place I realized that it was a tad small, but it still looks a helluva lot better than the old one.

After our errand running was done it was time to get down to business. Mr Mine and I each took our party tasks in hand and rocked them out. My job was to blow up the bazillion balloons that I had bought and Mr Mine's job was to figure out how to fill up our 2013 balloons. Fortunately we both were successful in completing our tasks. Although I have to say I definitely got a much better workout than he did! My abs were crying by the time I was finished. Who knew that blowing up balloons was a great ab workout?? Oh and yes, that is an air compressor that he is using. Worked perfectly for our big numbers.


Next came hanging them and putting out all of the finishing touches.



1 comment:

  1. You did such a great job with all the decorations, we had a great time. I also love some of these photos...very nice!


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