Feb 12, 2013

Heart's Desire

One of my cousin's shared this video on facebook today. I love the message. It speaks to my heart and what it has been trying to tell me the last few years. Or maybe even the last decade. Enjoy:

No matter what your job is this video tends to speak to your life. One of the commenters on the post wrote the following which also rang true to me:

"There is no happiness in pursuing a quest that matters not to ones true desires."

What are your desires? What would I do if money were no object? I'm still working on figuring my answers out. On initial response and much I am sure to my parents chagrin I would say. I want to be an artist, a photographer, a dancer. I do love designing, but it is definitely not something that comes easy to me.

So I have been working towards a few things. I signed up for an online photography course and I also signed up for a painting course. The photography course is all year, but the painting class starts this Saturday. I'm a little nervous. Last year Mrs Bokeh and I took a 3 hour painting class and while it was fun, I found that I was berating myself over technique and lack of abilities most of the class. Which made it a lot less enjoyable for me. I think that my expectations are way to high so I am also trying to work on that. Since talent takes time and patience to grow.

I also signed up for online photoshop, flash, and dreamweaver courses. I know photoshop pretty well, but there are always different ways to do things and so much to continually learn.

The other thing that I want to do this year are workshops and possibly conferences. I've found that my local camera store has a lot of workshops that happen pretty regularly and are not too pricey. And I was thinking about trying to attend the annual Adobe MAX Creativity Conference.

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