Dec 24, 2011

SXM: Sunrise, Sunset

One of my favorite things about the place we were staying was the beautiful sunsets. If you stood on a chair on the back porch you could watch the sun dip into the ocean. The last time I visited the island, which was about six years ago, you could actually sit on the porch and watch it. But in the last six years the palm trees which were then babies have grown so tall you can barely see over them. Great for a privacy fence, not so great for the view. But even if I had to stand on chairs to see it, what a beautiful sight to behold.

The top two were from the back porch and the bottom one was from the road beneath the Fort Hill overlooking the new Yacht Club in Marigot. We were only home to catch the sun at the right time a few nights, but with every one I saw it made me happy to be alive. There is so much beauty in this world. It makes me want to travel more, experience more, feel more. Sunsets inspire me to live my life enjoying all that the world has to offer. 

Dec 23, 2011

SXM: Location, Location

View from front porch.

This is the place we stayed.
In the years since my grandparents passed away our family has taken to staying in random locations on the island trying to find a new place to call home on their yearly trek. My parents travel to the island every xmas holiday mainly to take care of business concerns first and to relax second. The last few years they have taken to renting from a dear family friend who has a beautiful set of condos nestled in a crook between the peaks of St. Martin's "Mountains". The view is lovely as you look over both sides of the hill and can see a majority of the west side of the island.

If you look to the right of the place we were staying you can see a monstrosity that looks like the ruins of an old castle. Well it's not actually ruins. The rumor is the man who owns that property stole a bunch of money from a casino and is now building his own castle. So that is not an original part of the island, though people try to visit the "ruins" almost daily. I wonder what it will look like if he ever finishes it. And what makes you wake up some day and say "Today, I want to build a castle."

Dec 22, 2011

SXM: Remembering Loved Ones

A few minutes walk from the market is the cemetary where many of our family are buried. We decided to pay our respects to our beloved Mama and Papa Daniel, Miss Liso, and the lovely Ms Arlette. They are all sorely missed.
My Dad also pointed out that his grandfather Carl was also buried here. I got to learn something new about my family.

A lovely picture of Arlette and Hayes as kids. 

SXM: To Market, To Market

One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday or Wednesday is visiting the wharf market of Marigot. There is stand after stand of delicious looking fruits and veggies, spices, fresh fish and meats. My parents like to plan our meals in advance so that they can get as many of the ingredients from the market as possible. Going to the local supermarket on the island is always an adventure and one you like to avoid as often as you can. The water front has changed a lot over the years.

When they filmed Speed 2 they built out the water front by filling it in with cement and widening it. With the area widening the market has grown much bigger and the stalls are now a permanent installment.

Mom, Dad and Mr. Mine enjoying looking through the locals wares.

Dec 21, 2011

Jessism of the Week: Water Snob

I am a water snob. I admit it. Whenever I go swimming in a natural body of water I always compare it to the crystal blue waters of Sint Maarten's Mullet Bay. It's an unfair comparison I know. But I can't seem to help it. I love being able to see the bottom clearly at least 100 ft out!

Dec 20, 2011

SXM: Grey Day

Not to waste any of our precious cousin time we decided that our third day we would go to one of our favorite beaches. And even though the weather wasn't that great we were not to be deterred. The waves were big, but we laid out on our rented chairs and just relaxed enjoying the great company.

Not the best beach day!

YAY Cousin Time!!

Dec 19, 2011

SXM: The Impromptu Hike

The morning of our second day in St. Martin arrived and we had decided that we would take advantage of what little time we had with our cousins Ms ChanJoEast and Mr Tech. Our first thing on the agenda was to go on the infamous Zip-line on the island which was supposed to be a short drive from where we were staying. Mr Tech offered to drive so we all jumped into his i10 and headed over. Now it would really have helped if the Zip-lining place had an actual sign that said "Zip-lining". But for whatever reason they didn't and we ended up driving all the way to the top of Pointe Paradise. Our road dead ended at a large iron gate. People were swarming at the top trying to turn around, several people were on bikes and they were just locking up their bikes and walking down trail paths. The curiosity got the best of us and we ended up parking and going for an impromptu hike.

We found several ruins along the trail one was an old Sugar Plantation.

Another was an old well where people used to come and wash their clothes.

We met a couple around the watering hole and they told us that the zip-lines were down at the bottom of the trail. Realizing that it was probably best to go back to the car before we were too tired to walk we opted to hike back up and drive down. We eventually found the place we were supposed to be, but unfortunately since it was pouring I didn't get any pictures of us on the lines! It was more of a combo between doing a high ropes course with a few zip-lines inbetween. It was a lot tougher than any of the other lines we have done. My favorite part however was on one of our last lines. I was the first one to finish the line and as I was coming down I saw a whole troop of red tailed monkeys running by. To our knowledge monkeys are not actually native to the island and our guide said he'd never seen them there before. Curious, very curious.

Dec 17, 2011

St. Martin a Trip in Photos

I've been seriously stalling on writing posts in my blog because I was waiting to find the time to write about all the adventures from our Christmas vacation. But I realize that time is just not going to happen at this point I have forgotten most of the silly details. So I have decided to just do a trip in photos montage. With maybe some little story snippets here and there. Hopefully this will get my blog rolling again as I have so many things to tell you about!

Dec 13, 2011

A different kind of workout: Lesson #3

As my third violin lesson commenced I realized that no matter how well my home practices go it always feels like a performance when I play for my teacher. I get nervous and all concentration seems to go right out the window and suddenly I am flustered and frazzled and every note I play comes out wrong. And I am once again in fourth grade with my fingers all tied in a knot and knowing nothing. Christina had a lot of suggestions to give me on things to work on. So I left with a lot of homework assignments.

So as not to feel defeated I went home and practiced for an hour and wouldn't you know that the notes and positioning and the bowing all went much more smoothly once I was there. Safe and sound.

I'm hoping that this week I will get in more than one practice. Although Mr. Mine and I will be leaving with Ms Pasadena on holiday this coming Saturday so I'll have a 2 week break from practicing. I thought about taking the violin with me, but I would worry too much about something happening to it. 

Dec 12, 2011

Jessism of the Week: Movie Sap

I am a complete sap. I cry during movies sure, lots of people do. But I also cry during kids shows, cartoons, and animes. In fact, I cried through the last third of The Muppets, as well as several Sailor Moon movies. I cry at happy and sad movies.

I'm also one of those people that jumps during scary movies. I mean out of my seat knocking my knee on objects in front of me kind of jumpy. My best friend Mrs Sunshine loves to watch scary movies with me because she gets a kick out of it. I tend to scare people more than the movie does.

You remember that scene in Ace Ventura Pet Detective where the shark jumps out of the water? The one that was in all the trailers so you KNEW it was going to happen? I still jumped, in fact when I jumped I flung out both my arms which hit both people sitting next to me and nearly gave both of them a heart attack. Needless to say it took me a few years to live that one down. 

Dec 9, 2011

Eye of the Storm

There's something about a sultry voice a pair of sassy black mary janes and slip of a dress that just really gets the blood pumping. And lately it's also been all about the eye make-up. I very rarely wear make-up. I own a ton of it but use it so infrequently that whenever I break it out it's always cause for comment.

Who knew you could hide behind eyeliner and use it   as a shield of your innermost thoughts. Or maybe it's not that I am being hidden, it's that I am finally being let out. A quirk of a smile and hooded eyes lined black as coal.

If you've seen the movie Black Swan you might be able to imagine what I mean about eye make-up letting your inner demons and seductresses out.

IT'SUGAR! Kids in a Candy Store

Imagine two grown woman skipping around a candy store exclaiming excitedly about every five feet. This was the spectacle that you would have found had you followed Ms Countrygirl and I around Universal City Walk last night when we walked into IT'SUGAR! Holycow this store is filled to brimming with not just candy, oh no, this is candy on steroids.

I felt like we had been zapped with a shrinkray as we walked through the aisles. Thinking surely that is not really a 5 LB Gummy Bear sitting on the shelf in front of me or a packet of 2 foot long Twizzlers. Not to mention Jawbreakers the size of baseballs!

But OH yes, that is exactly what I was seeing. I picked up one of those Gummy Bears and had a rather comical moment as I almost dropped it. Who expects to pick up a piece of candy and have it weigh 5 LBS!!!! Boxes of Nerds the size of cereal boxes, Hershey Syrup jugs the size of laundry detergent. They even had kingsize boxes of Pop Rocks. Good thing Mrs Country and I had both left our wallets in the car or we might not have gotten out of there alive.

Energy Field

Dancing to Knock 123 was actually pretty fantastic. It's a song you can sink into and play with and it brings out all sorts of energy in the people around you. Energy that I am just learning to acknowledge and react to. A new part of my EC journey that is evolving and I am enjoying it thoroughly.

When you are dancing in a room with other people do you let yourself react to the energy that other people are putting off? Whether it's timid or aggressive, happy, sad, enthusiastic etc? Do you notice how that energy is making you feel? Do you shy away from it, embrace it, go after it? I think this is where we get the phrase "swept up in the moment".

Do you notice what kind of energy that you are putting out there? 

Dec 7, 2011

Haunted by Imelda May

I first heard this song two weeks ago when I was searching for new music for my dance class. Her voice and this song in particular has been haunting me. I love it, therefore it's constantly stuck in my head. The slow sultriness speaks to my curves. I'm hoping to break this out in class tonight, we'll see how it goes!

Dec 5, 2011

My Great Aunt's Violin

There just happens to be this lovely tan colored wall across the street from my music academy and since my lessons are only a half hour long I end around 4pm. Which is just about the time the sun starts going down here in LA at this time of year. So I took a few moments to breakout my violin and take some pics while I still had the warmth of the light. 

This is my violin, it was found a long time ago in my Great Aunt Dot's attic. It had some water damage at the time but we were able to have it repaired. I love this old violin it's a pleasure and a privilege to play it. At the time it was found I was using a rented violin which sounded, well, it sounded a little like I was trying to play inside the Tin Man. I'm hoping that once I get bold enough I will actually post a few videos of me playing. We shall see :)

You can see that my poor case has been used as a cats' scratching post. The little stinkers. 

Percussion Head: Lesson #2

I truly had forgotten just how much you have to keep track of while playing music, especially a stringed instrument. There are the normal things that I remembered, such as the placing of my fingers and how to use the bow(rusty but still working skills) and then there were the other things. Such as counting the timing in the song while reading each note and paying attention to whether there was an extra flat or sharp just waiting around to trip you up.

Today for my second lesson we moved on from Twinkle Twinkle Little Star into something slightly more complicated Bach's Minuet 1, and finally onto the classical piece that I had brought with me to work towards Bach's Concerto for Two Violins: 1st Movement.

Just to give you an idea of what madness I am working towards:

Attempting to do all of the above creates quite a lot of confusion in my brain these days. I marvel at how when I was in high school doing all of that seemed like a piece of cake. Now it just feels like someone is playing percussion with my brain. Due to all this pounding in my head today I sounded a bit like a stampeding elephant. Hopefully after another week of practicing I will be a bit more graceful with my playing. 

Jessism of the Week: Leftover Lover

Ok I will admit it, I LOVE leftovers. And I would say that 9.5 out of 10 times I eat them cold. No re-warming them for me. Nope. Although I have noticed that ratio has gotten a lot greater since we no longer have a microwave. Although if I am not being lazy, the convection oven works just as well. And hey, sometimes they're just a dish best served cold!

Dec 4, 2011

A Girl After My Own Heart

Dancing AND playing the violin?? Who knew such a talent existed. While I was searching for musical inspiration for my violin lessons I stumble across this crazy wonder. Meet Ms Lindsey Stirling, she's amazingly spirited and brimming with talent. Hope you enjoy her as much as I did.

Dec 3, 2011

Easy on the Senses

Even though I know that I will only get to enjoy them for a week or two I love cut flowers. I always feel guilty about buying them though because I know they are a frivolous expense. But they make the atmosphere in the apartment immediately more cheerful and so I indulge.

I also love flower arranging and get a kick out of playing around with new flora. These beauties are straight from the Santa Monica Farmers' Market. I adore the flowering cabbages.

The eucalyptus and pine branches make this one a delight for the olfactory senses as well. Looking forward to coming into our bedroom at the end of the night :)

Our Newest Addition

Since moving into our current apartment I have been very slowing building our nest into what I someday want our future house to be like. After much debate, some finessing, some (I'm ashamed to admit) pouting, and finally victory Mr. Mine and I purchased a new rug for our bedroom and have therefore solidified the colors of our bedroom for many(many, many, many) years to come.

Here is our new love child:

Because I am a bit of a nerd here is the approximate color scheme we chose:

Nov 29, 2011

Mellifluous Muse

I can listen to this over and over again. Simply just marveling at the beautiful resonance that I can only hope to one day achieve. I heard this for the first time about a month ago as part of a mash-up. I could play this daily and just be happy. Since I had my first violin lesson yesterday I have been thinking about the suggestions my teacher made. She suggested that I find a piece of music that I want to work towards. Perhaps this should be it!

Oh, and here is the original mash-up that I found it through!

Nov 28, 2011

Musical Aptitude: Lesson #1

In keeping with my 2011 goal of "finding my creative genius" I bought a groupon for music lessons at the Hollywood Academy of Music. After months of procrastinating I finally set up my first lesson for today. Many things had to be considered, did I want to try to rekindle my love for the piano, the violin, or was I going to entertain fantasies of becoming a vocal Diva! I finally after much self deliberation and some advice from the very nice man who helped answer all my questions, decided on the violin. Since I at least have one that I can practice on. Although I'd kill to have a piano in the apartment, but Sosuke might kill me if I attempted that one.

I was a bit nervous for my first violin lesson in fifteen years. Not to mention due to crossing the path of three (yes three!) different schools letting out on my way to my appointment I was running late! Curse you school busses! I was relieved to easily find free parking on the street next to the school. Once parked I had to figure out the multitude of signs for the building which requires you to walk through an archway and then wind your way around and up a staircase to the second floor.

Once inside I was warmly greeted by my new teacher Christina, who led me to where our lesson was going to take place. If I had to describe my lesson studio in one word "intimate" would probably be it. There was only enough room for my instructor, our two violins, and one small shelf. I'm really not sure we could have fit anything else in there at all!

Since it has been so long I requested that she treat me as though I was learning for the first time so we started with the basics. How to hold the bow properly, how to place the bow on the strings, where your fingers go on the strings and after a few attempts at open strings and some simple scales I was feeling a bit bolder. So we progressed onto playing.....wait for it.... Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. A classic, even if just by childhood standards.

My favorite part of the lesson was when on the third time through (third times a charm right?) Christina joined me harmonizing the notes I was playing. It gave me a little thrill, and made me wish I had some violin playing friends to play with on my own time.

She concluded my lesson with suggesting that I find some music that I would like to work towards. Something to inspire me to work hard and improve faster. I'm going to have to think on that one. Should I go classical or main stream? Any suggestions?

Nov 27, 2011

Weight Loss 101

Well it's about that time when I start freaking out about my weight. Actually, what am I saying it's been a constant burden for the last oh, 6 years or so. To cut to the quick I overeat often which is one of my biggest challenges. So today I signed up for the Gold Membership on Livestrong and now I can keep track of my calories AND my nutrients.

Since seeing the fantastic Dr. Linda a month and a half ago I was made aware that I have high cholesterol. Which I suppose since I am overweight shouldn't have been a great shock to me. I know I know, blah blah you should eat better and exercise more right? Well what happens when you are already exercising 5-6 days a week? At least I was at the time I was told about the cholesterol thing. Talk about being slightly frustrated. I'm officially getting back on the exercise wagon knee injury and all. As per a friend's wise suggestions I decided to update my goal weight so that they are much smaller steps. Otherwise I might feel like I am not making progress. Which, I have a feeling would end up making me quit before I've even really begun. And we definitely don't want that right?

Nov 4, 2011

Digital Art Age

I was perusing Wacom's website the other day and came across an interesting contest called "A Thousand Forests". It requested that people upload something that expressed their creativity and passion to create. You can learn more about the contest here.

Intrigued, I started randomly clicking through the different things that people had uploaded and I was startled by some of the descriptions this one for instance says "Digital painting using a scene from Google Street Maps for reference."

Digital Painting, I can only imagine what people would have said if you had told them two decades ago that the newest art era would be digital painting. Instead of using beloved mixed media and crafts people now talk about how they used raw photos, photoshop, illustrator, and in this instance even google maps to create their latest masterpieces.

It made me wonder, will the appreciation for all static art be lost with these new generations that need everything Now Now Now. These kids who start using ipads basically at birth. Will these "digital paintings", and ever changing digital art now become the new norm.

More and more people are starting to use digital picture frames. Why frame one photo when you can have one frame for hundreds. Will we lose the stillness?

Oct 30, 2011

Not the Bees Knees

My friends joke about how it seems as though I am perpetually broken. I'm inclined to agree with them. If it's not an ankle, a muscle tear, tendonitis, it's something else. This time it's my left MCL.

"The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is one of four ligaments that are critical to the stability of the knee joint. Because the MCL resists widening of the inside of the knee joint, the ligament is usually injured when the outside of the knee joint is struck. This force causes the outside of the knee to buckle, and the inside to widen. When the MCL is stretched too far, it is susceptible to tearing and injury."~

Which is essentially what I did to my poor unsuspecting ligament minus the being struck part. Playing soccer of course, my feet couldn't agree and decided to go in opposite directions and since I was turning to my right, my left knee buckled inwards. Sounds fun right?

With this new injury I also finally changed to a new ortho specialist. I'm now in the care of one Dr. Eric Millstein and so far enjoying the experience. Well, as much as one can enjoy being told about their latest injuries! He has proclaimed that I have a mild MCL sprain and that it should take from 4-8 weeks to fully heal. And of course my favorite part of his assessment was the " no surgery necessary"!

Aug 20, 2011

Happy Occasions

YAY! Brilliant news today, my dear friends Mr and Ms Verve got engaged last night!!

WOoohoooo! I am so delighted for them! You see, I inadvertently introduced them both at my Engagement Bonfire three years ago on August 8, 2009. 

The funny thing is they could have met several months before. Ms Verve and I were on our company soccer team together. Since it was my one of my last games of the season and my dear friend Mr Verve had never seen me play he decided to come and watch. The below image is of them standing within three feet of each other on the endline. They didn't speak, didn't even realize the other existed in this moment. This was March 6th, a whole five months before they would officially meet.

Mr Verve and I met in college over a decade ago and through the wonders of myspace were able to reconnect when I moved out to LaLa Land. He and I were both Industrial Design majors at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. We met in a Environmental Design class that was being taught by his best friend's dad. I think our friendship was sealed when I ended up accidentally taking us off-roading on the way to one of our class assignments! Ms Verve and I worked together at two different companies. Although I think we truly bonded on the company soccer team. I adore her and couldn't be happier for them both! Congratualations guys!!!

Feb 10, 2011

From Start to Finish

I was reading back through my past posts and thought it was funny to see the difference between my original post about my wedding color scheme and what the final color scheme ended up being. Here's a look at them side by side.



I really love the way our final choices came out! Don't you?

Jan 1, 2011

A New Year, A New Start

It's that time of year again when we resolve that THIS will be the year we __________.

My resolutions this year are a little different than my previous ones. Thanks to my KTG group I was able to set more realistic and slightly broader ones.

#1 Find My Creative Genius

#2 Treat My Body Like the Goddess She Is

#3 Become a Dance Instructor

Hopefully at the end of this year I will have some results for you and for me!

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