USA vs Australia
Let’s just start with the words Free Tickets. That’s right, my girl over
at Fox Soccer is awesome. I was so delighted when she contacted me and said she
had two tickets with my name on them if I wanted them I didn’t even bother
asking any additional details!
My sister and I met our girl Ms Foxx at the Chili’s around the corner
from the Home Depot Center so we could all carpool to the game. Since not only
did she get free tickets, but she managed to snag two free VIP parking passes
as well! I know right! She was on fire, then once we are heading to the cars
she nonchalantly mentions that we don’t really need to worry about getting sunburned
because our tickets are for Box seats! WHAT?????????
This day just keeps getting better and better. Well, once we finally got through the parking lot traffic! We made it to the game with just minutes to spare. As they started playing the Australia anthem we were being escorted to our seats. Which had us sitting directly in front of the USA team bench! OMG I could see them, I could see their faces, Solo, Wambach, Rapinoe, Morgan, Heath, Lloyd, O' Hara, LePeilbet, Rampone, O'Reilly, Boxx…and so many more, all legends in my book. I really wished that I had asked Mrs Bokeh if I could borrow her camera for the day! But I made due with my cell phone and my little point and shoot.
Left: The Starting Line-up | Right: Mr Hopeful |
The Gang |
Mrs Primerib and I |
Ms Foxx and friend |
Ms Bliss and I |
The girls started off the game a bit rough and it took me a while to
discern what the issue was. This team is used to fact-paced controlled passing
and the Home Depot field frankly looked like it hadn’t been watered in a month.
I’m guessing this was partially due to the crazy heat waves we have been having
here in LA over the past few weeks. Including it getting up to 106° just the
day before. I think that the dry
grass was creating additional friction on the ball causing it to drag. So
passes that would normally easily have reached their teammates were continually
falling short. Or….maybe the team starters were just having an off day. But
Australia came out strong and the turf conditions didn’t seem to be bothering
them at all.
Wambach Pressuring |
O'Hara Trapping |
I don’t know who suggested it but someone mentioned going
down to the field as the players did their victory lap so we hopped out of our
box and maneuvered our way into some empty second row seats hoping for a better
view of our legends. These women, and this team has stolen a little piece of my
heart ever since I watched them play their own hearts out during the Women’s
World Cup last year. I cried as they were denied their hearts desire by Japan
in the final. And I whole heartedly cheered them on to their hard fought
victory of taking home the Gold medal in the Olympics just weeks ago.
Words cannot describe being in such a close proximity to this
team. I know that probably sounds a bit weird, but, I guess I was feeling a bit
starstruck. I was wielding my little camera like digital was about to go out of
style. Much to my sis’s amusement and chagrin. Although I know she’ll
appreciate the pictures later.
amazing....kinda hate you a little!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy that you are happy. I dont understand the appeal myself but I love you so I love it!