Dec 9, 2011

IT'SUGAR! Kids in a Candy Store

Imagine two grown woman skipping around a candy store exclaiming excitedly about every five feet. This was the spectacle that you would have found had you followed Ms Countrygirl and I around Universal City Walk last night when we walked into IT'SUGAR! Holycow this store is filled to brimming with not just candy, oh no, this is candy on steroids.

I felt like we had been zapped with a shrinkray as we walked through the aisles. Thinking surely that is not really a 5 LB Gummy Bear sitting on the shelf in front of me or a packet of 2 foot long Twizzlers. Not to mention Jawbreakers the size of baseballs!

But OH yes, that is exactly what I was seeing. I picked up one of those Gummy Bears and had a rather comical moment as I almost dropped it. Who expects to pick up a piece of candy and have it weigh 5 LBS!!!! Boxes of Nerds the size of cereal boxes, Hershey Syrup jugs the size of laundry detergent. They even had kingsize boxes of Pop Rocks. Good thing Mrs Country and I had both left our wallets in the car or we might not have gotten out of there alive.


  1. Great Photos - Thanks for posting =)

  2. Thanks for creating such a fun store! I had a blast discovering everything :)


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