May 29, 2012

Curvily Yours: Homeless Again

I have been pole dancing for 6 years now. The thing about my studio is that you find a group of girls that you mesh well together with, and for long periods of time you see those same girls week after week. Over time that class begins to feel like home. This last set of girls I have been with for well over two years. We go out after class, celebrate birthdays together, text, email, and call each other. And now our class has been blown apart and I am extremely sad.

It wasn't due to personalities or personal conflicts or anything catty. Between injuries and people's schedules changing and the studio downsizing our studio space our poor class just did not survive. It officially closes in 4 days. I am once again going to be homeless and searching for a new place to go. My girls are scattered over no less than 4 different days now and I feel weird having to choose between them all.

Because that is what I feel I must do. There really aren't days that "don't work" for me. My schedule is one of my own making because I freelance from home. So almost any class will do.

Of course due to my injury it's not like I will be actively taking class for a while still, but I am signed up for the next year so I have to move myself to another class. I'm sure I will figure it out, just a tough decision to make.


  1. Mine mine mine, come see ME! It does suck that our class broke apart but now this opens up a new opportunity for more wonderful women in your life.

  2. Alas, Monday nights are the only night of the week that I have other stuff going on :(


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