May 31, 2012

Curvily Yours: Wishes

I am happy to say that sometimes wishes come true. Feeling devastated on Tuesday after hearing my class was closing there were a flurry of emails, texts, and phone calls that went around rallying the troops to save our class. I couldn't tell you who initiated it, but after two days of the campaigning we suddenly had enough girls to keep our class open. Holy popsicles Batman, our class has been saved.

We're still going to be living in one of the smaller studios, but our instructor is determined to get us back into our main studio by the end of this upcoming session. Hurray!

Of course now that my wish has been fulfilled I am finding myself with a new dilemna. I'm not sure when I am going to be able to start back in classes, but when I do will I be able to feel safe in that smaller studio. Or will I completely freak out because that is where I fell...

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