May 23, 2012

Jessism of the Week: Serial Dialer

I used to be a serial dialer. I'd call and call and call people until I finally got ahold of someone. My roommates at the time used to kid me about it. I used to talk to people for hours on end. I'd also go through my entire phone and text everyone on holidays. I kept up with people who I know for a fact didn't keep up with me. I called, or emailed, or even sent cards on people's birthdays who never ever remembered mine. Even though you'd think it would be hard to forget.

I suppose you could say I used to be a people person. I think all of this finally stopped when I started dating Mr. Mine. I think I finally realized that I didn't need people in my life who really didn't care. And I needed to spend alot more time on the ones that do. So thankful for the friends and family that I DO have, that DO care about me. Who always go out of their way for my birthday. And who call ME!

I love when people make an effort and I am trying to get better about acknowledging them and loving them more for it. Because unfortunately when I stopped, I pretty much went Cold Turkey. I just stopped calling people altogether. I'm working on getting better about making the effort again.

Frankly, I think I just finally burned out. But I have to say, these days there is no need for me to call 15 people to try to talk to someone. And I am both grateful and thankful for that as well! So three cheers for being reformed! 

1 comment:

  1. HURRAH! This post is so true. Like you have come full circle. Love you!


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