Oct 7, 2012

Another Marathon

I have been sucked in by The New Girl, and I LIKE IT. I love when I find a new show. It fulfills my need for marathons. Mindless hours of entertainment induced emotions. Laughter, tears, anger, and none of it weighs heavily on your shoulders because it's not your drama. Ok, that may seem weird but it's similar to getting lost in a good book.

I've been watching the episodes back to back on Project Free TV. Which Ms Bliss introduced me to about a year or so ago. It's great for watching shows and movies. I knew I had found something special when after the Pilot episode I had a huge smile on my face and couldn't wait to watch the next one. I was a little disappointed with the absence of "Coach" but over the next few epsiodes I got over the loss. I'm not sure what makes me love this show. I think it's the feel good nature, be true to yourself message on top of it's great to watch people who are good friends interact. Or at least it makes you want that kind of interaction in your life. I think that most of us crave that kind of comraderie with people. Knowing there are people in your life that "have your back" for better or for worse.

I think one of my weaknesses has gotten worse recently. If I start a book, I have to finish it before I go to sleep. Even if it keeps me up until 5am the next morning. And with TV Shows I can't just watch one episode. If it's available I have to watch the entire season, and I will admit I watched the entire first season today. Stop me, it's madness I tell you!

1 comment:

  1. OMG an entire season in one day. You have to get off that couch!


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