Aug 19, 2012

Brain vs Body

Sorry I have yet to catch you up on all my adventures, but I have been feeling a bit down and sorry for myself. Which makes it hard to motivate myself to write. Immobility and patience are two very hard things for me. It's tough to sit around and do nothing. I am not supposed to lift anything, I'm not supposed to vaccum, I'm always supposed to wear my brace unless I am sleeping or showering. So I like to lay in bed just so that I can take the brace off. But then I feel lazy.

We threw a Showerette for a dear friend yesterday and it was so hard to just stand around and let everyone else carry everything. I'm just not that person. I'm the person who actually enjoys helping other people move. I like testing my strength and working out my muscles. Two things which I can't really do right now. So I am learning about patience. And it's a very trying lesson to learn. I hate to admit it, but I sulk alot.

I know that going for walks is a good form of exercise. But I can't seem to motivate myself to go on them. I feel like I am playing tug-a-war with myself constantly. Brain vs Body, hopefully it will end with everyone being a winner. 

1 comment:

  1. :( I love you and this too will pass


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