Aug 4, 2012

Shower Prep: The Diaper Bike

In light of the impending Pentagon's Babyshower, Ms Ianthine and I decided we needed to get our butts in gear to create the ultimate shower gift, The Diaper Bike. You may have possibly heard of Diaper Cakes which have apparently been all the rage recently. Well, we decided to take that a step farther with a little help from Google. Because you know what happens when you google "better than Diaper Cake"? You got it, you get the Diaper Bike.

This would be a quick and easy gift, if Baby Stores were layed out in a sensible manner. But it seems that they decide to put a little bit of everything everywhere. So it took several hours of running around to different stores trying to acquire all the necessary ingredients. We gave up after an hour of searching for items specifically on the Registry. It just wasn't going to happen. So we instead tried to stay within the color guidelines and opted for "the cuteness factor" when it came to picking things that seemed to be eluding us.

Unfortunately we were so tired once we finally got home to put it together that I completely forgot to take step-by-step pictures along the way. You can find the tutorial we used here. The only thing we did differently is that we didn't use any pins. Enjoy :)

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