Jul 10, 2012

Limp A Long

The tried and true if at first you don't succeed try, try again. So my first week of Round 2 did not go very well. On my third day I caved at the sight of a very poorly timed pizza. I won't name names, but sometimes I am not my own worst nemesis. But that does not excuse that I pretty much ate what I wanted the rest of the weekend. Deciding that I would start again on Monday. Which I succeeded doing to a point. I was foiled by poor preparation. You see, when you are working on being Lean for Life, you should always have low carb fruits handy. Mainly your trusty watermelon, and if possible papaya as these two have a very low carb count. I unfortunately only had apples and grapefruit. Which both have more than twice as many carbs as watermelon. Also I made the mistake of tallying up what I had eaten towards the end of the day instead of figuring out a eating plan in the morning. So my carb count on Monday was...high. I also started eating really late, and I was way over my carb count by 4pm and still starving. At which point I hate to say it, I threw in the towel and ate not only the leftover Indian food we had in our fridge but also an entire hershey bar (and a half). Take that eating habit! I don't know why I decide to make myself suffer for being ill prepared. But there you have it. The only upside was that when I got on the scale on Monday morning I had still lost .9lbs. I hope that this week will be more productive than that!

On a happier note, I set my alarm this morning and got up at a good time. Then I went on a grocery run and bought plenty of watermelon AND papaya as well as a bunch of protein which I promptly cooked when I got home so that I will have no excuses for the next day or so! Today I am on track and it feels so much better.

Now if only I can add my exercise back in....

1 comment:

  1. Yea try try try try again until we WIN!


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